
CandyFlipping: Mephedrone + LSD


Mixing LSD and mephedrone, known as “candy flipping“, is one of the most famous drug mixtures. But is it safe?

Mixing drugs is always a bad idea, but that doesn’t stop people from experimenting. Candyflipping gained popularity in the ’90s and early 2000s, especially at raves and nightclubs. Like the fashion of the ’90s, it seems to be making a comeback with a new interest in the process. So what’s really going on?

LSD and mephedrone produce euphoric psychedelic effects, but they affect different areas of the brain. Traditionally, LSD is taken first and then mephedrone a few hours later, or LSD is started while mephedrone is being used. There are few studies on the actual effects of mixing the two substances, and the entire experience can last from 6 to 12 hours, unlike MDMA, where the experience can last up to 24 hours.

What is candy flipping mephedrone and LSD (CandyFlipping)

This publication aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of candy flipping, a practice involving the combination of mephedrone and LSD. We will explore the individual substances, their effects, the differences between them, and the potential dangers of combining them. Additionally, we will discuss the signs of overdose and the duration of the combined effects.

What is CandyFlipping?

«Candy flipping» is slang that originated in the UK for taking acid and molly during the same trip. Its not a new trend, but one of the oldest and most popular poly drug mixes or drug flips” out there.

Theres some debate online as to the timing of taking each substance and what actually qualifies as a candy flip, but when I started looking into it, the most consistent advice I could find was to take LSD first and then mephedrone somewhere between two and five hours later.

Other common combinations include:

  • Kitty Flipping – ketamine and MDMA

  • Sugar Flipping – cocaine and MDMA

  • Hippie Flipping – magic mushrooms and MDMA

  • Jedi Flipping – magic mushrooms, LSD and MDMA

  • Nexus Flipping – 2C-B and MDMA

Many underground psychedelic psychotherapists have already been putting this into practice for decades. LSD appears to negate many of the negative side effects of mephedrone, and mephedrone makes patients feel more openduring the experience.

Dr. Matthias Liechti, a professor at the University of Basel and the psychedelic company MindMed just scored a patent in (June 2022) for administering an empathogen/entactogen and a psychedelic in the same single oral dosage form to an individual.This patent would include the practice of candyflipping, Nexus flipping, Hippie Flipping, and several others.

However, LSD causes unpredictable hallucinations that become more unreliable due to the combination of drugs. Therefore, many people report varying experiences, many of which are negative.

The combination of LSD and mephedrone comes with several risks and adverse side effects. Thus, people should refrain from mixing the two substances.

Candyflipping just doesn’t involve combining; it involves using them in a certain sequence that creates completely unique effects that are unlike any of the individual effects of these drugs.

So first of all, never take acid and mephedrone at the same time. It will create the kind of weird intoxication you might find fun (or unpleasant, like me), but either way, it won’t be called Candyflipping.

Candyflipping requires that the “peak” time of the 2 drugs (1 to 3 hours with mephedrone, and 1 to 4 hours with acid) not overlap each other. You can theoretically do it in any order, but I (and my friends) always do it with acid first, then mephedrone. I’ve concluded through careful (and sometimes unpleasant) experimentation that the most important thing is to use mephedrone 3 hours after you’ve taken acid.

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Mephedrone and LSD

What is LSD?

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also known as acid, is a synthetic drug made from ergot that grows on rye. LSD is a classic psychedelic. Other types of psychedelics include ayahuasca, DMT, and psilocybin (magic mushrooms).

When taken in small doses, LSD can cause slight changes in perception, mood, and thinking. However, large doses can lead to side effects such as visual and auditory hallucinations and a distorted sense of space and time.

In its pure form, LSD is an odorless white crystalline powder, but it can be sold as liquid, tablets or capsules.

Because it is so potent, only a small amount is needed to produce the effects. As a result, sellers usually dilute the drug in liquids, which can be dried on sheets of gelatin, blotting paper, or sugar cubes.

While generally considered non-toxic, LSD can lead to challenging psychological experiences, known as “bad trips”.

What is mephedrone?

Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) is a synthetic stimulant drug belonging to the cathinone family. It is chemically similar to amphetamines and cathinones found in the khat plant. Mephedrone produces euphoria, increased energy, and sociability, making it popular among partygoers. However, it is associated with several adverse effects, including anxiety, paranoia, and cardiovascular issues.

When using mephedrone by cadiflipping, together with LSD, the dose of mephedrone should not exceed 250 mg during the entire session.

Why is this so important?

If you use mephedrone early (e.g. 3 hours after LSD), the acid peak will not yet be reached and the drug will eventually fight for control of your brain. It’s not a very fun feeling; you’ll end up feeling sluggish and only slightly enlightened.

You may come out of these feelings after an hour or two, but you’ll miss the Candyflip and you’ll just be left feeling like you’ve taken a lot of drugs. And sometimes you will feel a little “dopey”, depending on the person.

If you take mephedrone late (say after 5-6 hours), you will get very different effects because the peak of the euphorogenic effects of mephedrone will coincide with the peak of the psychedelic effects of LSD.

Why take mephedrone and LSD together?

Most addicts are constantly looking for new experiences. LSD users often seek enlightenment and perspective and hope that the euphoria and connection to mephedrone will help them see their journeys in a different light.

Others take small amounts of mephedrone along with LSD to reduce the likelihood of a bad trip, especially when attending a public event or concert that may cause them anxiety.

How long does Candy Flipping last: MEPH + LSD?

It is difficult to determine how long the candy flipping effect lasts because research on this practice is limited, and any research on this topic dates back to the 1980s and 1990s when it first became popular, but the limitation is the fact that ecstasy was used in this case. Nevertheless, we can offer an estimate by looking at how long the effects of mephedrone and acid last.

LSD starts acting 20-90 minutes after ingestion and can cause side effects that can last up to 12 hours and sometimes even longer, depending on how much one has taken. Mephedrone, which is usually taken a few hours after taking LSD, usually starts acting 5-15 minutes later and its effects last up to 2.5 hours on average.

See also  JediFlipping: MEPH + LSD + Mushroom

When you put these two things together, the candy flip can last anywhere from 6 to 12 hours, not counting any effects. It’s important to keep in mind that the acid often stays in the body’s fatty deposits, allowing it to cause side effects even months after it was last taken.

Mephedrone and LSD Candy Flipping

Dosage of drugs

As a less common way of taking psychedelics, candy flipping does not have a normal dose. Instead, most users take regular doses of LSD and mephedrone a few hours apart to compensate for their varying durations.

Most mephedrone users recommend taking about 50 mg, while the standard dose of LSD is 50 to 150 mcg. Some LSD users prefer microdoses, taking as little as one-tenth of the usual dose. LSD is extremely potent, so its effects are noticeable even with small doses.

Taking less acid means its effects will come more slowly, so taking mephedrone at the 4 o’clock mark may be too soon. Taking a lot of acid – works great, to the point where you can handle it. But in that case, you need to take the mephedrone a little earlier, say at T+2:45(2 hours and 45 minutes after taking the acid).

When using mephedrone you should take the minimum dosage, otherwise it will just increase the acid and you’ll just get smeared (not bad, but you’ll miss the Candyflip). If you normally use 100-200 mg of mephedrone to have fun, use 50-100 mg of mephedrone for Candyflip. In a nutshell, it’s better to go a little wrong with a low dose than a high one.

There are many LSD trials underway in the U.S., and in the context of such trials, always starting small and slow is always the safest bet. Gomez borrowed a quote from Timothy Leary: “You can always take more later, but you can never take less.”

“The only way to know your preferences is to start small”, Gomez elaborates. “I think it pays to be careful, especially the first time you try a new combination.” He mentions that we all have unique neurochemistry, and doses will affect everyone differently. “I think it’s always a good idea to start with a slightly lower dose and then see how it turns out”, he says.

So start with a low acid dose of 100-120 micrograms. Remember that mephedrone will enhance the experience, so it’s best to take a little less (50 mg) than usual, or even half your usual dose, for a controlled drug change, and experiment with other doses on subsequent trips.

Candyflip effect: mephedrone + LSD (trip report #1)

I like this particular Candyflipping more than any other drug (or combination thereof) because in many ways it is very close to “sobriety” of mind when used in small doses. It allows access to all the really important effects of acid (music sounds better, a sense of “depth”, insight) and mephedrone (strong euphoria with mild psychostimulation, poise, confidence, love of self and others). It also reduces the negative effects of these drugs (“confusion” and fear of acid, a common effect of mephedrone “run-around-hug-everybody”).

Candyflip` time comes 15 minutes after you take your mephedrone. The acidic confusion seems to dissipate like a heavy fog suddenly. The room suddenly seems more open (this is very noticeable if you are somewhere with high ceilings).

You get a sense of wonder and awe at the different things our world has to offer. A sense that you have power over your own destiny, and a sense of purpose. You want to do what is important to you in the moment. There is an incredible sense that something serious and important is about to happen

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Everyone around you in the midst of a successful Candyflip becomes different. Their behavior takes on a perfect confidence, without the slightest hint of arrogance. Their skin seems to glow. Their eyes are probably the most dramatic: they become wide and bright, like a child’s, but wiser.

My favorite thing to do when I catch Candyflip is to look at the powerful laser and listen to the really good trance sounding from the big speakers. But that’s just me.

When combined, LSD and mephedrone may produce a unique set of effects, including:

  • Enhanced visualsmephedrone may intensify the visual hallucinations induced by LSD.

  • Increased energy – the stimulant effects of mephedrone may counteract the sedating aspects of LSD, leading to increased physical activity.

  • Altered emotional experiences – the combination may result in a more intense emotional experience, with heightened euphoria or anxiety.

Mephedrone and LSD Candy Flipping

Side effects of mixing LSD and mephedrone

The side effects of mixing acid and mephedrone are quite consistent with the possible side effects of each substance. Many people may experience nausea, especially when taking each drug, and this can be exacerbated if you have eaten a lot of food in your stomach beforehand. Jaw clenching and tension are also quite common, especially when taking mephedrone. This feeling most often gives everyone additional discomfort. Headaches are common when the mephedrone starts to go away.

The most common side effects are nausea, jaw clenching, and anxiety. Although there are times when there are no side effects at all.

Signs of Overdose from Combining LSD and Mephedrone

  • Severe agitation or paranoia

  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat

  • Extremely high blood pressure

  • Seizures

  • Loss of consciousness

Dangers of mixing mephedrone and LSD

Combining mephedrone and LSD can lead to several risks, including:

  • Increased intensity of effects – the combination may amplify the effects of both substances, leading to overwhelming experiences and an increased risk of a bad trip or panic attack.

  • Serotonin syndrome – the simultaneous increase in serotonin levels from both substances may result in a potentially life-threatening condition called serotonin syndrome, characterized by agitation, confusion, rapid heart rate, and high blood pressure.

  • Cardiovascular risks – mephedrone’s stimulant effects can strain the cardiovascular system, and combining it with LSD may exacerbate these risks.


So, to summarize, this is a really awesome experience that I would recommend to everyone. Just make sure you are prepared (mentally and physically), that you have a good mindset to do the Candyflip, have tested drugs in the right dosage. By “tested” I don’t just mean that you’ve done an EZ test for them, I mean that you’ve tried them before.

This is to make sure that not only are you sure that the drugs are there, but also how much you will have to take.

You also shouldn’t try it unless you’re very familiar with LSD and mephedrone (e.g., you’ve used each drug at least four or five times). And don’t forget: use mephedrone 3 hours after LSD! Use a stopwatch so you don’t get the right time to take mephedrone.

Candy flipping with mephedrone and LSD presents a unique set of risks and effects. While some users may find the combination enjoyable, the potential dangers should not be overlooked. It is essential to understand the individual substances, their interactions, and the potential consequences of combining them to make informed decisions about their use.